The average user today has over 40 apps on their smartphone. Add on the apps on laptops, tablets, smart TVs, smart watches, etc, we very quickly run up to over a 100 apps that surround us across all of our devices.
Very often, whether we use them or not, these apps are still running in the background. They run to capture seemingly minute details about our daily lives and transmit them to back to not just the mothership but also other entities that the app maker may have a business relationship with. Our geo-location, our heart rate, what we browsed, what we searched for, what we listened to, what we watched, when we traveled, how fast we traveled and the list goes on.
- That app you used to check for the best gas prices? Well, it may be selling your driving data to your insurance company.
- That period tracking app may be selling your very sensitive information to companies to target you with ads.
- Google recently issued a warning to their user base warning them that apps may be spying on them by listening, capturing images and more.
So, how bad is it really out there? Well, we wanted to find out too and we went ahead and did what well might be one of the biggest studies on app safety conducted on the internet. We studied over 1 million apps on EACH of the two most popular app stores. Below are some of the very shocking findings. A picture speaks a thousand words ...